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This site is the online home of The World Bank, which provides financial and technical assistance to developing countries. The World Bank is made up of two institutions, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association. The mission statement of this organization is to “fight poverty and help people help themselves”.
The main topic categories on the site are ‘Countries’, ‘Data & Research’, ‘Learning’, ‘News’, ‘Projects & Operations’, ‘Publications’ and ‘Topics’. The home page displays an alternating image block featuring current operations. Other featured blocks include ‘World Bank at Work’, ‘Country Snapshot’, ‘In Depth’, ‘Blogs’, ‘Events’, ‘News & Multimedia’, ‘Most Popular’ and ‘Independent Evaluation’. The News & Multimeida resources include text, video and Podcasts.
The ‘Resources’ block allows users to view more information by audience. The options include ‘Business’, ‘Civil Society’, ‘Governments’, ‘Investors’, ‘Job Seekers’, ‘Journalists’, ‘New Visitors’, ‘Parliamentarians’ and ‘Youth and Schools’. The site is in English, however; many resources are available in other languages including Russian, Spanish, French, Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Vietnamese and more.
A toll free ‘Fraud & Corruption Hotline’ number is displayed near the bottom of the home page. Site links are located at the top and bottom of the page. Users may also sign up for email newsletters and RSS feeds.

Website info
title : World Bank Group
start date : 1991-08-14
owner : World Bank
street : 1818 H St NW
city/state : Washington DC
country/zip : US 20433
email :
phone : 2024588531
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DNS info
host Record Name IP Reverse
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worldbank.org SOA dns1.worldbank.org
worldbank.org NS dns4.worldbank.org
worldbank.org NS dns1.worldbank.org
worldbank.org NS dns2.worldbank.org
worldbank.org NS dns3.worldbank.org
worldbank.org MX 10 wbapiron02.worldbank.org
worldbank.org MX 30 wbapiron01.worldbank.org
Domain information
Created : 1991-08-14
Expires : 2021-08-13
Changed : 2012-03-05
Domain owner
Handle : 15962757-NSI
Name : World Bank
Organization : World Bank
Address : street: 1818 H Street NW
city: Washington
state: DC
pcode: 20433
country: US
Phone : +1.2024588503
Email : dnsadmin@worldbank.org
Handle : 43166795-NSI
Name : DNS Admin
Organization : World Bank
Address : street: 1818 H St N.W.
city: Washington
state: DC
pcode: 20043
country: US
Phone : +1.2024588503
Email : dnsadmin@worldbank.org
Handle : 43166795-NSI
Name : DNS Admin
Organization : World Bank
Address : street: 1818 H St N.W.
city: Washington
state: DC
pcode: 20043
country: US
Phone : +1.2024588503
Email : dnsadmin@worldbank.org
IP information
IP owner
Handle : WBG
Organization : The World Bank Group
Address : street: 1818 H Street NW
city: Washington
state: DC
pcode: 20433
country: US
Name : Revutchi, Veaceslav
Phone : +1-202-458-2242
Email : vrevutchi1@worldbankgroup.org
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-192-86-97-0-1
Status : Direct Allocation
Handle : ABUSE344-ARIN
Name : Abuse
Phone : +1-202-473-7000
Email : abuse@worldbank.org
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